Tuesday, August 14, 2018

On The Radio . . .

On July 8th I had the opportunity to be interviewed on a local radio show, The Neal Steele Show in Gloucester, VA. 

As members of the Chesapeake Bay Writers, authors are encouraged to promote their books and being on the radio is one of the best methods to get the word out. The author is given a few guidelines as to what to expect and to just be yourself and talk.

Neal is a skillful host that makes the author feel comfortable, sharing conversational banter that radio listeners like. So with his skill and my desire to talk about my book, we had a good time and hopefully, some books were sold. The author gives the sales information so the audience can find the book.

My book can be purchased either through the publisher: www.HeritageBooks.com or on Amazon.
The interview was taped and a link to the podcast is given in our newsletter for members to listen to. I have copied the link here for you:

In the newsletter, a write-up is given informing the member of the interview and a picture of the book's cover.

Elizabeth Goesel -- Create Your Family Museum and Save Your History,
July 8, 2014                                                       
Neal Steele interviewed Liz Goesel about her book, Create Your Family Museum and Save Your History that discusses, "How to Find Space, Create, Organize, Preserve and Display Family Heirlooms, Treasures and Memories." Throughout the book there are inspirational quotes that are encouraging and motivating. So get ready to create your Family Museum. Make a concerted effort to preserve your heritage. It is a vital link to your cultural, educational, artistic, inspirational and economical legacies — all of the things that literally make you who you are.

After the interview, I asked Neal if I could have a picture of the two of us in his radio studio and he was happy to do so. The experience was at first a little nervy and a bit of apprehension creeps into your head, but when it is over, you can’t believe what a piece-of-cake it was and that you will do it again when your next book comes out. So to all you authors out there, get on the radio and talk, talk, talk!

Hope your August has been pleasant. Continue to enjoy the summer with friends and family and don’t forget to make lots of memories, not only in pictures, but all the little souvenirs you collect and when you get home, put them in your Family Museum to keep and preserve the good times.

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