Friday, August 29, 2014


We hold onto our possessions because we believe they are important – to ourselves, to others, to our family, to our heirs, to our own personal story. If these items are supposedly so important, the question is how are you treating them? If you value an item, then show it off. Honor the memory by displaying and celebrating the item. The respect you show will result in the heirloom having a new meaning and value to you today. Your things did not mean much when they were stuffed in a drawer or box, but after you create your family museum, they will now add real value to your life because they celebrate your family’s history.
                        Here are five steps on where to begin . . . .
First Step – STOP throwing or giving your memories away! There is much psychology today behind why people save or don’t save. We all accumulate things, throw some way, and keep others. We might save for example our first report cards and love letters. When choosing items you want to put in your family museum, be selective, be discriminating. My basic museum principle is select only what you and your family truly cherish. Identify special mementos. Appreciate quality, not quantity.

Second Step – MAKE lists of important times and favorite things. Remember, emotions will influence your choices. Celebrations, accomplishments, occasions, people, places visited, etc. Under each category, list, for example:
Personal Celebrations – birthday, anniversary, holiday, graduations; Accomplishments – awards, trophies, certificates of achievement; Occasions – holiday presents, special outfit or costume; People – photographs of relatives & friends, school yearbooks; Places Visited – family vacations and reunions, class trips.
Third Step – RECALL if you saved any of these things, where they may be, who may have kept them over the years. Everyone saves things, not only theirs but yours, too. Check with grandparents, aunts & uncles, brothers & sisters, friends.

Fourth Step – SPACE. Finding it in your home can be a challenge. But don’t despair! There are many options to display and store your family’s cherished 
possessions. The main objective is to create a place for all family members to enjoy.

Fifth Step  –  CREATE. Your museum is a cooperative venture. Assemblage of the various items is an artistic endeavor. The arrangement of these items is enterprising and every earnest attempt and cooperation needs consideration. Gather a diversified assortment from various people (family, friends), places (lived, visited) to form a wide spectrum of history. Select & mix or variety is the spice of life!

Your museum is a healthy way to build family closeness in the present and for the future. Perhaps you ask, why cling to the past? I prefer embrace. Emotional attachment is not a bad thing.

Your museum highlights your family’s beliefs, traditions and life stages. It is good and wise to retain as many of your recollections as possible,  especially if and when you can no longer see or give a hug to that person. So hang on, hold on, to the memories.

"Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn't all a dream?"   Ashleigh Brilliant, Author & Cartoonist

Next Post: Our "Family Museum" Story

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