Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thanks for the Memeories - Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards for Mom/Daughter/Sister/Wife/Friend . . .

How many days and reasons are there to give that special (see above) person
a greeting card?

Let us count them according to that great little Hallmark Cards Datebook:
for January through December Birthdays; for Valentine’s Day; for Easter;
Mother’s Day; and all other holidays you celebrate.
 Birthday Card & Letter from
 my sweet Mother-in-Law
1970 Birthday Card
from a Friend
For the hundreds of cards I have received over the past sixty decades, most likely hundreds of those cards have gone by the wayside. I can’t remember exactly when I started to save cards; perhaps it was after I got married and became a mom. All of a sudden (not literally) those cards seemed important to me. Here are a few that I want to share with you.   

1999 Birthday card from
my adorable son Charlie 
    What cards have you 
    saved over the years?
    And why have you
    kept them?    

    Probably for the same reason
    I have; they make me smile.
   Remember the good times.

2003 Birthday card from my
lovely daughter Tiffeni
   Cherish the memories.

      There are many creative ideas as to what to do with
        greeting cards. By simply surfing the web, the
      information there can be overwhelming.

     To make your research a little bit easier, I recommend 
       visiting these two websites:               
      “Putting old greeting cards to use”
     “What to do with old greeting cards.”

Also, check out Google Images to see a plethora of ideas on what to do with old greeting cards. It's amazing!

Next Post:  Scrapbooks





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